Thursday, December 20, 2007

True Lycanthrope Prestige Class

Minimum Heroic Level: 7th
Race: Lycanthrope
Darkside Score: 1
Trained Skills: Endurance

Base Attack Bonus: Full
Force Points: 6+1/2 character level
At each level, a True Lycanthrope gains 1d12 hitpoints+ Con modifier

Defense Bonus: You gain +2 to reflex, and +4 to Fortitude Defense

Bonus Feat: A True Lycanthrope gains Extra Second Wind as a bonus feat.

Totem Beast: When taking this class, choose an animal to be your defined Totem Beast. This can be a wolf, tiger, bear, etc. When raging, your hybrid takes on the visual traits of this animal.

Talents:A True Lycanthrope gains a talent every odd level. He must select from the Lycanthropy Talent Tree, the Regeneration Talent Tree, the Survivor Talent Tree(Scout), or the Brawler Talent Tree(Soldier)

Damage Reduction: A Lycanthrope gains +1/- DR every other level. This stacks with other sources, such as from the Elite Soldier class.

Lycanthropy Talent Tree
Animal Shape: You can take on the animal form of your totem beast. This gives you a +10 to Deception checks when someone tries to spot your disguise.

Animal Shape II: You can assume the Large hybrid form of your animal. This grants you +1 square reach and a +2 bonus to Strength in addition to any other benefits.
Prerequisite: Animal Shape I, Regeneration I

Regeneration Talent Tree
Regeneration I: You can use your Endurance skill to perform First Aid, Treat Disease, Poison, and Radiation and perform Surgery on yourself at no penalty, and with no equipment. This take 1 full round, and requires no recovery time. There are no penalties for failure.
You can use this ability to reattach severed limbs, but not regrow them.

Regeneration II: You receive 2x the number of hitpoints from Treat Injury checks. You can benefit from First Aid and Surgery multiple times per day, at a cost of 1 Force Point each.
Prerequisite: Regeneration I

Regeneration III: If you die, you may attempt to Revivify yourself once, using Regeneration I. If you fail, you are permanently dead.
You cannot recover from conditions such as being beheaded.
Special: If you spend a Destiny point, you automatically succeed.
Prerequisite: Regeneration II

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