Sunday, December 9, 2007

Rules Conversions

Differences between Saga to Industria Nocturne

Errata: We are using all (Relevant) errata.

Only Humans are available from the SAGA handbook.
Industria Nocturne also supports three other races: Vampires, Dhampyr and Lycanthropes

In Nocturnum:Your Darkside Score is 1
Blood Curse: You do not gain a first level feat.
You gain the Force Power: Corrupt Transfer and Mind Trick
Sunlight Vulnerability: While you are in direct sunlight or exposed to intense UV radiation, you take 5d6 damage per round.
Damage Reduction: You gain DR 5/silver or piercing
Undead: You do not heal naturally and are immune to poison and disease. You do not need to eat, sleep or breathe.
Child of the Night: Once every night you heal a number of hitpoints equal to your level.
Immortal: You cannot be killed, except by a critical hit and sunlight (Indicating the removal of head or stab in the heart). Any conditions that would render you dead instead render you unconscious. Note that this leaves you fairly vulnerable to being critically hit.
Anathema: There are several items and powers that specifically repel Vampires.

The half son or daughter of a vampire, you possess your parent's curse and a special affinity for killing vampires.
In Nocturnum:Your Darkside Score is 1
Cursed by Blood: You gain the Force Power Corrupt Transfer
Vampire Hunter: You gain one of the following feats: Skill Focus(Occult Lore), Anathema Expert I, or Slayer
Impending Doom: A Dhampyr may choose to reroll any Use the Force check made to search their feelings or sense the Force, keeping the better of the results.

In Nocturnum:Your Darkside Score is 1
Ability Modifiers: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Extraordinary Recouperation: A Lycanthrope regains hitpoints at double the normal rate
Shapeshift: Once per day, a Lycanthrope can change shape into a half-man, half-animal hybrid form. The Lycanthrope gains a +5 rage bonus on melee attack rolls and melee damage rolls, but cannot use skills that require patience and concentration, such as Mechanics, Stealth, or Use The Force.
The rage lasts for 5 rounds+Con modifier, but the character remains in hybrid form indefinitely until the player reverts to human form as a free action.
A Lycanthrope can use Darkside Force Powers while raging
Shapeshift does not stack with Dreadful Rage
Skills: Lycanthropes can take 10 on Climb Checks, and reroll Initiative checks. They must keep the result of the second roll, even if it is worse.
Anathema: There are several items and powers that specifically repel Lycanthropes.

Instead of Jedi, Nocturne Arcana uses sorcerors. They are the Jedi class in every way, with a few exceptions. Replace anything that references Jedi with Sorceror

-Sorcerors are not an organization, rather they are the caster class. Jedi are referred to as sorcerors, witches or wizards. The Force is their magical power, for which individual practioners have numerous names.

Instead of Weapon Proficiency(Lightsabers), Sorcerors may begin with
Weapon Proficiency(Advanced Melee Weapons)
Or with proficiency in a single Exotic Melee Weapon.

Jump and Mechanics are class skills for all Sorcerors

All Sorcerors have a weapon of choice. Many choose swords and staves as focuses for their arcana.
Weapon of Choice (Ex)
The first time you take a Sorceror class, you choose one type of melee weapon. That is your Weapon of Choice. Lightsaber oriented techniques, feats and skills can now be applied to the Weapon of Choice
Magic Weapon(Ex)-
At 7th level, a Sorceror may imbue his weapon with magical power. This ceremony takes 24 hours and 1,500 wealth. At the end of this ceremony, roll DC 20 Use the Force, you cannot take 20, If the check succeeds you complete the ceremony. If you fail, you must take another 24 hours to perform the ceremony again.
Once the ceremony is finished, you must spend a Force Point to attune the weapon.
The Sorceror gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls with a weapon he has imbued.

Use your class level instead of scoundrel level.

Replace the Spacehound Talent with:
Ship's Hand:
You know your way around a vehicle.
You are proficient with all vehicle weapons, and take no penalty for using tools and vehicle parts (Such as pipes and beams) as improvised weapons.

-Use Computer is not available as a skill
-Knowledge (Galactic Lore) is not available

Sorcerors and Prestige Classes:
Sorcerors may take any prestige classes Jedi may take, just modify the prestige class appropriately. Namely, remove references to "Jedi" and "Sith" and any talents or feats the deal with Star Wars technology.

Knowledge (Bureaucracy)
can be used for criminal organizations, and for purposes such as streetwise
Knowledge (Occult Lore)
Details the study of the supernatural and supernatural creatures. You can use knowledge(Occult Lore) to discover the weakneses of supernatural creature, such as anathema.


Pistol & Rifle proficiencies apply to Firearms Weapons
Bows and individual throwing weapons (Such as boomerangs, etc.) are Exotic Weapons.
Advanced Melee Weapons Proficiency applies to martial melee weapons

Martial Arts I, II, and III
When using a melee weapon, each level of Martial arts gives you a bonus to damage.
Martial Arts I: +2 to weapon damage
Martial Arts II: +4 to weapon damage
Martial Arts III: +6 to weapon damage

New Feats:

Weapon of Choice :
Requires Sorceror Level 1
Select a new Weapon of Choice. This must be a melee weapon.

Anathema Expert I
Instead of adding 1/2 your character level and Wisdom to your warding roll, you can instead add your level+Int, Wis, or Charisma
You gain +1 to hit when using an anathema weapon against a vulnerable creature.

Anathema Expert II:
When you fail an anathema ward check, your anathema object is not destroyed. You can retry anathema ward checks once per round.
You gain +2 to warding checks
You gain +2 to damage when using an anathema weapon against a vulnerable creature

Anathema Expert III:
When using an anathema ward, you create an aura 2 squares wide which vulnerable creatures cannot enter. If you force a creature into the aura, it will attempt to flee as far as possible. If it is trapped, it can only move away from you. It may make melee attacks against other creatures in the aura, but not you.
You gain +2 to warding checks. This stacks with Anathema Expert II

Anathema Expert IV:
Warding is a move action.

Choose a type of supernatural creature. You gain +4 damage against that creature when using an anathema weapon. You gain +2 to all saves against that creature's Force Powers. You gain +2 to warding checks against that creature. These bonuses stack with any gained from the Anathema Expert line of feats.

The Force:
The Force works as detailed within the Force section. The nature of the Force is the nature of magic. Techniques can be learned from books, teachers and other similiar sources. The Darkside represents dark magic, and the Lightside represents good magic. Magics not labelled are universal to all practictioners of magic. Thus, using dark magic will slowly remove your ability to use light magic.

Light magic typically concerns defense and healing
Dark magic typically deals with inflicting destruction and suffering

Force Training:
You do not need to take Force Sensitive to gain Force Training.
If you have Force Training and not Force Sensitive, Use Force is a class skill, but you may not use any of the powers under the "Use Force" Skill until you take Force Sensitive.

New Powers:
Corrupt Transfer [Dark Side]
You transfer the life force from a creature, willing or unwilling, to yourself.
Time:Standard Action
Target: One Adjacent Creature
Make a grab or grapple attack. If you are successful, Make a Use the Force Check.
The result of the check determines the effect
DC 15: You deal 2d6 Damage
DC 20: You deal 4d6 Damage
DC 25: You deal 6d6 Damage
You heal half as much damage as you deal. You can only heal as many hitpoints as the target has remaining.
You can spend a Force Point to heal as much damage as you deal, and spend a Destiny Point to move +5 steps along the condition track

Negate Damage
You spontaneously negate a single attack that does physical damage, such as a gunshot or a sword blow.
Target: One attack made against you that deals physical damage
Make a Use the Force Check: If the result of the check equals or exceeds the damage dealt, the attack is negated and you take no damage. Otherwise, you take damage as normal
Special: You must be aware of the attack (and not flat-footed) to negate it.

The techniques below are commonly practiced by the Church of Creation in their fight against the supernatural.
Abjure [Light Side]
Requires: Rebuke
Target: One other character within 6 squares or within line of sight
If an ally is the target of a Force power, you may Rebuke that power.
You may not use this power on yourself.

Ward [Light Side]
Requires: Rebuke
Time: 1 minute
Target: Self
You create a ward around yourself the protects against the harmful influence of the supernatural. If you choose, you may Rebuke the next force power that targets you as an automatic reaction.
When you use this power, roll Use the Force. The strength of the Rebuke is determined by this roll.
This ward is permanent until used.

Ward Other [Light Side]
Requires: Ward
Time: 1 minute
Target: One other character within 6 squares or within line of sight
As ward, but you may only target another character
You may not use this power on yourself.

Exorcise [Light Side]
Requires: Abjure, Ward
Time: 1 round
Target: One charcter within 6 squares or within line of sight
You may remove a Force power that is currently affecting another character. Roll Use the Force. If your check meets or exceeds the check of the Force Power you are trying to remove, that Force power is removed. If your roll 5 or more above the roll, you may steal that Force power for yourself. Note that using Dark side powers will give you the appropriate amount of Darkside points.

-Lightsabers are not available
-Star Wars technology such as blasters, computers, commlinks and other small electronic devices are not available.

Auto-fire: Weapons with autofire and capacity less than 10 use all of their ammunition when auto-firing. You cannot auto-fire such a weapon unless you are at full-capacity.
Shotguns: Shotguns are considered pistols for ranged purposes.
Rifles(S) are considered Accurate Weapons.

Melee Weapons:
All melee weapons from the D&D books are available and will be converted on demand. The general guideline is to keep the damage and special rules, and drop the critical modifier.
Simple Weapons are Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons are Advanced Melee Weapons, and Exotic Weapons are Exotic Weapons.
Special cases, such as exotic weapons whose feature is a unique critical modifer, will be converted with that in mind.

All ranged weapons except explosives and heavy weapons only deal half damage to objects with Hardness 10 or greater.

There are no droids in this setting

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