Monday, January 21, 2008


There are many prominent businesses throughout the Saxon Empire, taking the form of corporations. In the UDRM, most old world corporations have been turned into state-owned and run monopolies; however the degree of autonomy businesses have actually varies from state to state
In the Heavenly Kingdom there are state-run monopolies, but the government does not typically prohibit legitimate guilds and companies from forming.

The Saxon Empire

The Royal Trans-Saxonia Corporation
This company is the major freight carrier within the domestic territories of the Saxon-Empire. It does have many local competitors, which mainly deliver overland and sea. The Trans-Saxonia company however specializes in bulk air freight, and controls the country's largest fleet of cargo airships.
The Saxon government utilizes the Trans-Saxonia Corporation for conducting official business. The head of the corporation is Dame Alexandra von Vonderburg.

The United Democratic Republics of Milensk (UDRM)

Stukanoff Arms Manufacturing
Stukanoff Arms produces the majority of all UDRM personal weapons. The Stukanoff ZZ-22 single-shot rifle is the standard armament for all Republic troops, and has proliferated all over the world. Stukanoff weapons are by no means fancy or high-tech, but they are sturdy and reliable. It is said the only way to break a Stukanoff weapon is to kill the wielder.

The Heavenly Kingdom

The Imperial Doctor's Guild
The Imperial Doctor's Guild is responsible for nearly all the major medical breakthroughs of the modern era. Guild Doctors specialize in refining the natural herbs native to the Heavenly Kingdom and other lands, often working in concert with foreign experts. Only citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom may join the guild, so many doctors have renounced their home countries in order to gain membership in this illustrious order.

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