Monday, January 21, 2008


There are many prominent businesses throughout the Saxon Empire, taking the form of corporations. In the UDRM, most old world corporations have been turned into state-owned and run monopolies; however the degree of autonomy businesses have actually varies from state to state
In the Heavenly Kingdom there are state-run monopolies, but the government does not typically prohibit legitimate guilds and companies from forming.

The Saxon Empire

The Royal Trans-Saxonia Corporation
This company is the major freight carrier within the domestic territories of the Saxon-Empire. It does have many local competitors, which mainly deliver overland and sea. The Trans-Saxonia company however specializes in bulk air freight, and controls the country's largest fleet of cargo airships.
The Saxon government utilizes the Trans-Saxonia Corporation for conducting official business. The head of the corporation is Dame Alexandra von Vonderburg.

The United Democratic Republics of Milensk (UDRM)

Stukanoff Arms Manufacturing
Stukanoff Arms produces the majority of all UDRM personal weapons. The Stukanoff ZZ-22 single-shot rifle is the standard armament for all Republic troops, and has proliferated all over the world. Stukanoff weapons are by no means fancy or high-tech, but they are sturdy and reliable. It is said the only way to break a Stukanoff weapon is to kill the wielder.

The Heavenly Kingdom

The Imperial Doctor's Guild
The Imperial Doctor's Guild is responsible for nearly all the major medical breakthroughs of the modern era. Guild Doctors specialize in refining the natural herbs native to the Heavenly Kingdom and other lands, often working in concert with foreign experts. Only citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom may join the guild, so many doctors have renounced their home countries in order to gain membership in this illustrious order.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


We are using all the errata from the WOTC site.
Obviously, ignore anything dealing with specific equipment.

Saga Errata

Also, the House Rules have been updated

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Logs and Characters

Here are the logs from our games

Industria Nocturne
Game 2
Game 3
Game 3.5
Game 4

Featured Characters
Demetrius Savage, Saxon Nobleman
William Valeth, Maldovian Sorceror
John Smith, Saxon Bodyguard
Madame Jeanne De Lyon, Priestess of Man
Kelly Shea Doherty, Saxon Mechanic

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Von Unterschrek's Guide to Witchcraft

The supernatural practitioner is a very peculiar creature. He is a man, but clearly, not a man. Commonly known as witches and warlocks, the International College of Scientists has declared the supernatural practitioner as a species separate from human man, a homo turbulus, or disorderly human, if you will.

Some would question this decision. These 'witches' are humans too! They feel pain like us, feel joy like us, die like us. Scientifically speaking, these are all true.

The main difference between homo sapien and homo turbulus is that the turbulus species possesses a strong genetic affinity for the manipulation of electromagnetic fields. They have an enlarged portions of their nervous systems that is believed to aid in their manipulation of what people believe is 'magic'. They pass this trait on reliably to their children- the children of two turbulus will also be a turbulus, and there is a high chance that a the child of a tubulus and a sapien will also display this trait. Men without this particular organ are incapable of manipulating the electromagnetic forces that surround 'magic' and thus my fine colleagues have determined that indeed, these two creatures are not the same. Indeed, there is no historical record of men 'becoming' witches with enough study. I have heard pundits cite the school of Scholomance as an example of such, but a careful review of the records shows that recruiters were always careful to select children that had already shown an aptitude for 'magicks'.

But you might say; electromagnetism? Cannot witches cast spells that alter the mind, conjure demons, and create fire, acid and water? In my research, I have found this undoubtedly true, and can posit no great explanation. However, there is a strong correlation- witches and warlocks emit strong electromagnetic fields that only increase in strength when they use their 'abilities'.
If you have a friend who is a witch, try this one day. Take a common, every day magnet, as see if it sticks to them! Witches attract magnets much like iron. Why they do not exhibit magnetic tendencies themselves, such as attracting ferrous iron, is unknown.

But beware, you may not get away with this activity for long. Studies show, that witches cannot abide strong magnets of any sort. Electricity and electromagnetic fields yes, but a magnet, like a lodestone? No. Such materials have formed the basis for anti-magic charms over the centuries. Contact with small magnets causes slight discomfort, reportedly to be much like the sensation one feels subjected to high water or air pressure.
It has been rumored that exposure to extremely strong magnets, such as neodymium or powerful electromagnets, can cause crippling pain. Such reports are undergoing serious review by the Ethics Board of the College now.
Witches and warlocks do exhibit -some- properties of magnets, such as emitting a mostly negative or positive charge. Generally, males exhibit a positive charge, and females the negative. However, exceptions are not rare.
Known since the old times, magnets, such as the lodestone, can be used to ward and protect against the effects of witchcraft. Magnetized, ferrous metals are effective at piercing their defenses. Some groups have proposed creating bullets for such purposes, however such weapons are expensive and inaccurate, as metal such as iron is poor for producing ammunition in large quantities. A rod capped with neodymium magnets, or perhaps connected to an electromagnet, is currently in favor with grassroots law enforcement organizations across the world.

What does this decision mean? It means that the Scientific College formally acknowledges the existance of 'witchcraft' and magic, as such pertains to the homo turbulus. Vampires, Demons, and Werewolves are still a subject of ongoing debate, and a matter of my own personal research.

This does not mean, however, that the laws and protections of men no longer apply to homo turbulus. Men, as it is in the philosophical sense, are men. The witch is a woman. The warlock is a man. No persecution, no fear, and no hatred ought to befall on them, other than the criminal who abuses his power. For centuries these people have been our neighbors, aunts, uncles, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, friends and family. Let the government who dares to oppress them be called into question, and regarded with scrutiny throughout the anals of history.

But let the men and women who have abused their power up until now beware. We know you exist, and your misdeeds shall not go unpunished.

-Dr. Otto Von Unterschrek. PhD, MD, JD

Witches/Warlocks are human force sensitive
Magnetized or magnetic weaponry is Anathema to witches/warlocks.
Magnets, such as neodymium, or lodestones, are anathema material to witches.

Specific Equipment:
Inversion Grenades: Stun witches, moving them -1 along the condition track if exceeding fortitude defense. Additionally, they are treated as if they were made of metal, and are pulled toward the center of the blast

Magno-Field Generators: Witches count as metallic objects, and are pulled by the generator. Any witch within the generator's field of effect is attacked at (1d20+5 vs Fort) for 2d6 damage per round, and -1 on the condition track if it succeeds.